Scout Programs

River Legacy Nature Center offers a number of environmental education programs in support of the Boy Scout Program – Cub Scout, Boy Scout – Girl Scout Program – Daisies, Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes – and American Heritage Girls – Pathfinder, Tenderheart, Explorer, Pioneer, and Patriot. Naturalists assist youth in preparation for earning badges and moving from one level of scouting to the next with an emphasis on nature.
Choose from our prepared list of programs or by special request we can customize a program for your group.

Prepared Programs

Clover Award – Earth & Sky**
Journey – 5 Flowers, 4 Stories & 3 Cheers for Animals**

Journey – Wonders of Water
Badges – Bugs*, Hiker*, Outdoor Adventurers*

Animal Habitats **
Patch – Water Drop**

Badge – Trees*

Tiger Cubs
Tigers in the Wild **

Wolf Cubs
Paws on the Path **

Bear Cubs
Fur, Feathers & Ferns **

Into the Wild **

Pathfinder, Tenderheart, Explorer, Pioneer, Patriot
Nature & Wildlife**

* Badge or Award program is designed to complete all steps required to earn the badge.

** Badge programs are designed to complete a few steps required to earn the badge.


  • A minimum deposit of $100 (see refund policy) for up to 10 scouts must be made at time of reservation. $10 per additional scout/$5 per sibling for up to 20 participants made the day of the program.


  • Scout programs are offered by appointment August through May. Programs are generally 1 ½ hours in length and will begin promptly at the scheduled time. If you desire a longer program additional fees will apply.
  • A deposit is required for all programs. Additional participants over the amount of 10 are to be paid for on the day of the program.

  • We accept cash, check, or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express).

  • It is the duty of the group representative to collect the fee from the participants; we will not accept individual payments from the participants.
  • River Legacy scout programs are held rain or shine. However, in the event of heavy rain or dangerous temperatures, an alternate indoor program may be substituted. 

  • If your group must reschedule, a $15 rescheduling fee will be applied.

  • If your group must cancel, refunds are as follows:
    • More than 30 days’ notice: 100% refund
    • -11-30 days’ notice: 50% refund
    • -less than 11 days’ notice: 25% refund
    • -less than 48 hours: NO refund

Registration for groups is on a first come, first served basis

To request a program, contact our Public Programs Manager, Dr. Ellen Edwards Ravkind via e-mail or at 817.860.6752, ext. 106